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Taco Bell’s Big-Cheez-It menu is loaded with fat and more salt than most people should have in a day

The ultra-processed items might be nightmares for consumers’ health. Read More

Bill Gates sees another pandemic in the cards within the next 30 years. Disease experts say it’s not if but when.

Experts in infectious diseases agree with Bill Gates' concerns. They say another pandemic isn't a case of if, it's now a countdown to when. Read More

Could it be COVID? Here are the symptoms to watch out for in 2024

COVID symptoms can be mild, severe, or nonexistent, according to the CDC—and can appear as late as two weeks after you’ve been exposed to the virus. Read More

McDonald’s has kept Europeans hooked despite its American appeal with its ever-changing menu of local foods and viral TikTok moments

Given its place in U.S. culture, McDonald’s European success might surprise some. But it's a product of the giant's deliberately curated local menus. Read More
